NEW Activities:
– Project Scout starting at MCSC 2/5/25. They will be here every Weds, except the 2nd Weds.
from 9-11:30 by appointment only. Please call receptionists to make your appointment.
– Super Bowl Party!! Members and their guests only! Feb 9th starting 3:00PM, until Game Ends!
(Game Starts 3:30PM). Lets have some fun! Bring your favorite appetizer/finger foods to share!
This will be a BYOB (Bring your own beverage, for Alcohol, only Beer/Wine permitted!). MCSC will
have hamburgers and hotdogs for sale!
– New Sunday Afternoon Dance: This dance will be 1 Sunday a month,
First dance on 2/16 with the Plateau Jazz Band. Don’t Miss It!!
Lessons 2:30-3:00 (Included with dance ticket, or $10), Dance 3:00-5:00PM.
– Special Speaker Nancy Jarvis: “Only in Santa Cruz: Writing meets Spooky”.
Ms. Regan McHenry, is the author of many Nancy Lynn Jarvis mystery books, and
other entertaining works. Her stories are centered in Santa Cruz and she has
great stories to tell! Feb. 21st, 12:30PM in the Main Room.
– Debut Performance by Karin Phoenix Band: Karen Phoenix has performed alongside
renowned performers such as the Doobie Brothers, Johnny Paycheck, David Frizzell
and many more. The band she has put together has played for many, many, shows.
Sold out performances of “The tribute to Patsy Cline.” At the Capitola Theater.
Friday Night, Feb. 2/21, 7:00PM at MCSC, they will be playing country swing, R&B,
some jazz, and some soft rock. Karin Phoenix On guitar and vocals. Allen Douglas on
piano and vocals, Paul Jones from Reno Nevada on drums and vocals, Woody parker
on saxophone. You won’t want to miss this performance!
Activity Updates:
– Memoirs & More – Writing Workshop: Extended 30 minutes, now 1st & 3rd Tues, 1PM-3:30PM (A)
– Improv: Moving to the Main Room starting 2/1. Now Weds 10:30-12:00 in the Main Room
– Balboa Swing: Every Tues, Beginners will now start at 5:30PM; Intermediate starting at 6:30PM.
– Pinochle: This class has been cancelled due to the Activity Leader moving.
– Red Cross Blood Drive returns 2/15 from 9:00AM-2:00PM in the Main Room. This is by
appointment only. Please make appoints on the Red Cross Web Site.
New Activity