



Mon - Fri: 8:30AM - 4PM

The MCSC Board Consists of six (6) officers, President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, four MCSC members are elected as Directors at Large to serve on the board.

The MCSC Board elections are held every two years with the next election to being in August of 2025. The following is a high level process overview of the candidate selection & ballot process.

August: Select the Nominating Committee.
President Debbie Sheehan was selected as the chairperson of the Nominating Committee for 2023. She will select one (1) other from the Board and three (3) members from the General Membership to form the Nominating Committee.  This Nominating Committee will select a candidate from the Membership for each of the six (6) Corporation Officers and for four (4) additional Directors at Large. 

September: Nominating Committee Reports to Board/General Membership: The nominating committe reports their selection of candidates to the Board at the September meeting. Additionally the report is made to the General Membership at the September General Meeting. At the General Meeting, nominations for the same Offices will be called for from the General Membership, added to the list of Candidates, and made known to the membership through the newsletter.  Nominations from General Membership may also be made at the October General meeting, added to the list of candidates and published in the newsletter.  The Panel of Candidates will be posted at the Center at least two weeks prior to Balloting.

October: Election Committee Appointed
An Election Committee will be appointed at the October General Membership meeting and will handle the election.  The Election Committee will consist of six (6) eligible members who supervise the preparation and printing of ballots, distribution to eligible voting members, collection and counting of the ballots and preparation of a report to be announced at the November Board Meeting.  No Election Committee member shall be a candidate for office or a member of the current Board of Directors.  Sturgis Rules of Order, will be adhered to when questions arise regarding procedures.
If you are interested in serving on this committee please send a note to MCSC4U@ATT.NET and your name will be passed to board for consideration.

November Newsletter: (Sent after October Board Meeting & Prior to Collection of Ballots). All candidates will be equal space in the newsletter to provide a brief statement regarding his or her qualifications for the Board of Directors position to which he or she is seeking to be elected.

November: If there are any board positions with more than 1 candidate, a ballot will be sent to all qualified members for voting. The Election committee will count the ballots and report results at the November Board Meeting and the November General Meeting.

December: Installation of New Officers will take place at the December meeting with an effective date of January 1st the following year.