The President will preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and at all Members Meetings, will, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint chairpersons of all Standing Committees and Special Committees; will countersign all checks for payment of approved bills; will sign all documents on behalf of the Corporation as authorized by the Board and/or Members; will act as ex officio member and advisor of all Committees other than the Nominating Committee. The President will exercise general supervision of the activities of the Corporation and of the coordinator and other employees.
Curt has been a member of MCSC since 2015. He is also the Garden Manager and
chair of the Building, Property & Technology Committee, and the Personnel
Committee. He is a member on the Finance and Bylaws Committees.

Bella Hughes

Teri Mantz
The Vice Presidents in their order will, in the absence of the President, perform his/her duties, including countersigning all approved checks and carry out such other duties as authorized by the Board of Directors.
Bella has been a member since 2009. She is currently the activities leader for Canasta and is the Chair of the publicity Committee, and member of the Bylaws & Finance Committees. Teri has been a member since 2009. Teri is the Chair of the Food/Kitchen Committee and is a member of the Bylaws & Finance Committees.

The Treasurer is responsible to see that all monies for the Corporation are properly recorded and accounted for, and that they are deposited in the proper accounts as approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer will also report to the Board any serious deviations from the annual budget. The Treasurer will make monthly and annual reports to both the Board of Directors and the General Membership. The Treasurer will see that all bills to the Corporation (after proper documentation and approval) are paid.
Cindy has been a member of the center since 2013. She is the chair of the Finance Committee and the Bylaws Committee. She is a member of the Building, Property & Technology Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Personnel
Committee. Cindy is also the assistant manager of the garden.

The Recording Secretary will keep accurate minutes of the Meetings of the Board of Directors, and of The General Membership Meetings. She will keep a list of the Chairpersons of Standing and Special Committees and Activity Chairpersons. The Recording Secretary will maintain the binder of all board meeting minutes and add motions passed at the board meeting to the monthly newsletter. A copy of the full board minutes will be posted on the members bulletin board. The Recording Secretary will maintain the list of standing rules voted on in the board meetings during his/her term. The standing rules will be stored in the Bylaws folder in the office. The Recording Secretary should distribute the board meeting minutes to all board members within two (2) weeks following the meeting.
Marilyn has been a member of the center since 2023 and is the Co-Chair of the membership committee.

The Corresponding Secretary will be responsible for all membership correspondence with individuals. Reports of significant correspondence will be given at the Board and General Membership meetings.
Vicky has been a member of the Center since 2005. She is the co-chair of the Membership Committee and a member of the Personnel Committee. She is the co-chair of Bingo, and is the editor for monthly Newsletter.
Directors at Large represent the general membership. There are four that serve on the board currently.

Past President
In addition to the above board members, the past president continues to serve on the board as Past President to provide consistency and advice to the new president while they come up to speed.