Book Club. First Friday of the month, Now meeting at the Capitola Library. Please contact Cookie Sherman for exact time and place for the next meeting. Each month the Book Club read the book selected by attendees. The choices reflect a variety of interests — light reading to more serious books of fiction, non-fiction, memoirs and biographies. Everyone enjoys the discussion that the book stimulates.
Note: If your planning to attend please call Cookie prior to the meeting. The room at the Library has limited space.
Activity Leader: Cookie Sherman
Nineties Club. 2nd Friday 1PM
This fun club is just for those that have celebrated their 90th birthday at least once!! There will be
food, special activities, speakers. The plan is to change up each week and let the members drive what they really want to see and do. It is their time for social activity just amongst our most
senior members.
Activity Leader: Ingrid Larsen & Michele O’Brien
Photo Club. Wednesdays (A), 1:00PM – 3:00PM
The MCSC Photo Club is a group of photographers that meet from 1-3PM on Wed’s. 2nd Weds is a field trip; all other Weds in the Annex. Join this team and learn how to get the most out of your camera. The classroom training, field trips, & workshops, are designed for you to learn by doing. In addition to taking great pictures, the club will also teach you how to edit them using Photoshop Elements. If you have questions about your camera (old or new) or maybe you just want to learn about a specific item, stop in and join a class.
January Schedule
Jan 1st: No class – Happy New Year!
Jan 8th: Field Trip – Destination TBD
Jan 15th: DL Photos to your PC & Effects of Light
Jan 22nd: Lenses, Flash
Jan 29th: Filters, Batteries
Activity Leader: George Kiernan
WIN. Fridays (A), 8:45AM-9:45AM
This group is dedicated to making some positive physical changes for themselves. Join this enthusiastic group to help you on our quest for weight loss with their tried and true support philosophy. Everyone appreciates a cheering section. You are not alone!
Activity Leader: Cindy
Ukulele Jam Club. Fridays (A), 10:00-11:00
All skills levels and instruments are welcome — bring your uke, guitar, kazoo, tin whistle, violin, accordion and drums. Come jam with us and have fun or just drop by and enjoy!
Activity Leader: Gigi Goodwin